
Project for Public Spaces Publishes “Making Places”

Publication: Project for Public Spaces

October 2005 Newsletter Highlights Public Markets
Public and farmers markets can be viable alternatives to conventional development projects, such as bix-box retailers and convention centers.  Project for Public Spaces (PPS), a Food and Society grantee, will be hosting the 6th annual Public Markets conference, “Great Markets, Great Cities,” on October 28-31 in Washington D.C. In preparation for this conference, PPS’ October 2005 newsletter focuses on public markets. Featuring 100 tips on how to create successful public markets, a feature on how public markets can transform public spaces, and an article detailing how markets enhance the prospects of low-income communities with fresh food, the “Making Places” newsletter highlights the tranformative role public markets play in local communities.
Newsletter link: http://www.pps.org/info/newsletter/october2005/