
Semifinalist Projects Selected in Social Innovation Award

Forty-five projects have been selected as semifinalists in the Experiences in Social Innovation Award, organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), with the support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. During the next phase of the selection process, external experts and ECLAC staff will visit the 45 projects between July 11 and August 15 to continue the evaluation.

Brazil and Colombia are the countries with the most projects selected so far, followed by Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. Projects from Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela are also among the semifinalists. The thematic areas most represented by the selected initiatives are education, community healthcare and rural and agricultural development.

Using the information gathered during the field trips, 20 finalist projects will be selected in the last week of September. These will be invited to the award ceremony on November 10-11, 2005, which will complete this cycle of the Experiences in Social Innovation Award .

During the ceremony, a Notables Committee will select and announce the names of the first five winners, which will be awarded cash prizes, while the 15 runners-up will receive an honorable mention. The event will be open to the general public.

An Innovation Fair will also be organized, an event enabling finalists to share their experiences with the public and encourage implementation of their projects in other countries in the region for the benefit of the whole population.

The award received a total of 1600 entries from different ECLAC-member countries in the region. Among the projects selected, the vast majority are run by non-governmental organizations, followed by social and community organizations, cooperatives, education institutions and religious communities, and municipal authorities.

All the projects have made an important contribution to the struggle against poverty in the region. They provide innovative approaches to improving healhcare, education, nutrition, agricultual production and per capita income, especially for the poorest, most excluded sectors of these societies.

The “Experiences in Social Innovation” award will be held annually. The next cycle, spanning 2005-2006, will be launched at the end of June 2005.

More information on the award may be found in the Internet pages www.eclac.cl and www.wkkf.org, by telephone (56-2) 210-2297 or by e-mail: Innovacion.social@cepal.org.

The media may contact the following e-mail: dpisantiago@cepal.org, or telephone (56-2) 210- 2380.


Projects Selected for the Second Phase

Each of these projects will be visited by an expert between July 11 and August 15, 2005














Read more: Experiences in Social Innovation Award
