
HomeTown Competitiveness (HTC) will hold its 3rd Annual “Train-the-Trainers” Academy

HomeTown Competitiveness (HTC) will hold its 3rd Annual “Train-the-Trainers” Academy on February 21-23, 2006, at the Embassy Suites Downtown Hotel, in Lincoln, Nebraska. At the academy you will learn how the HTC model and community tools are reversing decades of decline in rural communities across the Great Plains and beyond. You also will learn how to focus on four strategies that are essential and workable in most rural communities. They are (1) Mobilize local leaders, (2) Energize entrepreneurship, (3) Capture wealth transfer, and (4) Involve young people. For registration and other information call The Heartland Center for Leadership Development at (800) 927-1115, or visit http://www.heartlandcenter.info/HTCRegistration2006.pdf. HTC is a place-based, ground-up approach to community revitalization. In June 2005 HTC was one of six recipients of a W. K. Kellogg Foundation 75th Anniversary Entrepreneurship Development Systems grant. For more about this grant view http://www.wkkf.org/Pubs/FoodRur/HomeTown_Competitiveness_media_release_00253_04131.pdf.