
Mid South Delta Initiative Grantee helps Reunite Family Separated by Hurricane Katrina

The East Arkansas Enterprise Community (EAEC), a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Mid South Delta Initiative grantee, recently helped reunite a mother and father with their 17-year-old daughter, who had been missing since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast.

CasSandra Lumpkin, EAEC chief administrative officer, reports that the Louisiana family had moved to Forrest City, Arkansas after the hurricane and had been searching for their daughter using postings on the Internet, news stations, and various other sources.

On December 7, the family contacted the Forrest City-based EAEC, the designated steward of the Katrina Hurricane Relief Fund for the city, to say that they had located their daughter but did not have money to bring her to Forrest City to join the family. EAEC secured a ticket for their daughter, and she arrived December 9 to a waiting crowd, including her mother, father, and an aunt. Lumpkin says the girl looked great, and asked her mother to make her Jambalaya.

East Arkansas Enterprise Community was founded in 1994. For more information about EAEC visit http://www.eaec.info.