
ECLAC Choir Sings in Tribute to the Kellogg Foundation

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) paid homage to the Kellogg Foundation with a concert of Latin American music performed during the Experiences in Social Innovation Award. The repertoire included traditional songs, such as “Si somos americanos” by Chilean songwriter Rolando Alarcón, besides music from Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil.

The presentation, also attended by representatives from the award’s 20 finalist projects and guests, was performed by the ECLAC Choir, formed by employees of this UN commission. The choir was conducted by the director, Juan Pablo Villarroel. According to the soprano Anamaría Hurtubia, the concert repertoire was selected to illustrate the diversity and wealth of musical styles in the region. “Music is still a universal language capable of uniting different cultures,” she said.

Published in
Interaction nº 13