
ECLAC Executive Secretary Links Award to Millennium Goals

In his opening speech at the final stage of the Experiences in Social Innovation Award, ECLAC Executive Secretary José Luis Machinea extended his thanks to the Kellogg Foundation and emphasized the importance of the initiative in reducing poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Machinea explained that the group of projects submitted by the nine finalist countries – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Paraguay and Peru – can be replicated not only in the LAC region, but also in other parts of the world. “They improve the living conditions of our inhabitants by raising the quality of health, education, youth programs and income levels. They contribute in some way or other to advancing the Millennium Development Goals, defined by the Heads of State and Government in 2000 and reiterated in the latest session of the United Nations General Assembly.”


Published in
Interaction nº 13