
REJUCA Promotes Youth Leadership

Created in 2004 for the purpose of promoting the integral development of youth and their communities, the Network of United Youth for Central America (REJUCA) consists of social projects from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. These initiatives range from environmental awareness and training programs to projects that focus on civil participation and entrepreneurship, although the driving force behind all of them is youth protagonism.

One of the roles of REJUCA is to promote an exchange of experiences, debate and a quest for solutions that can be shared by all the projects. Participating in the network are leaders and members of projects supported by the Kellogg Foundation in countries from the region.

The goal is to transform the network into a place of real opportunities for the region’s youth. As such, REJUCA aims to identify the training needs of the youth and plan courses, seminars and workshops so they can acquire new knowledge.Communication plays a decisive role in the network’s plan of action.

Besides the upkeep of a website, REJUCA distributes a newsletter for the associated projects and it also maintains a database for all to consult. The network holds regional meetings every six months.

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Published in Interaction nº 18