
Able to Play in Detroit

Detroit playground has tremendous impact on surrounding community. According to Tom Cervenek of People’s Community Services, Detroit’s new Kellogg Foundation funded “Able to Play” playground is having a profound effect on how families view the Delray Neighborhood. He notes that residents no longer feel like they are in a forgotten area; now their families matter. Along with the expansion and renovation of the Delray Neighborhood House, the playground is helping to attract new residents who are renovating their homes. Parents are talking about a charter school coming into the neighborhood, and there is hope that PCS will start a community development corporation for the building of new homes. The playground is providing impetus for additional features to be added to the relatively bare Delray Memorial Park, which were initiated after the playground’s dedication. For example, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has agreed to clean up MDOT property that abuts the park, making it safer and more visually pleasing. Recently, the Greening of Detroit brought 75 volunteers to plant 75 memorial trees. Funds are now being sought to finish the park with a soccer field, a softball field, and a tree-lined walking path, and a $35,000 grant from Local Initiative Support Corporation will install a tot lot.