
Winners of Experiences in Social Innovation Project 2007


1º  place: Four-Leaf Clover – Strategy to Reduce Maternal, Pre-Natal and Infant Morbidity and Mortality Rates (Brazil) – A program developed by the Municipal Department of Health and Social Action of Sobral, Ceará, whose goal is to curb maternal-infant morbidity and mortality by reorganizing healthcare for mothers and children during the prenatal, childbirth, puerperal and neonatal stages, which represent the four leaves of the clover.
Contact: Noraney Alves de Lima
E-mail: noraneylima@gmail.com

2º place: Family Student Lodging (Bolivia) –
Program developed and implemented by the Fundación Pueblo (People’s Foundation) with the support of local governments in the Departments of La Paz and Potosi. The basis of an ancestral custom known as “utawawa” in the Aymara language was transformed and used to develop the program. Formerly, families living far away sent their children to live with godparents or friends in nearby towns with schools. In exchange, the child performed domestic or agricultural work for the host family. Fundación Pueblo understood the need to free children of the burden to work and moved to transform a feudal-like relationship between host and student into one of mutual interest. The students -the most marginalized in the country- were provided lodging and care and local government paid the host family for the service.
Contact: Franklin Bustillos
E-mail:  lapaz@fundacionpueblo.org

3º place: Treatment of Waste Waters to Increase Farming Community Income (Ecuador) – A comprehensive development plan that arose from the community’s concern about the contamination of the San Pablo lake and their interest to introduce sewage treatment in the parish of San Rafael de la Laguna, a village in the district of Otavalo.
Contact: Fredy Sánchez
E-mail: jpsrlaguna@yahoo.com  

4º place: Association of Small-Scale Agro-Silviculturists of the RECA Project (Brazil) – The RECA reforestation and agricultural project has its origins in a rural settlement of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) in a portion of the Amazon jungle in the state of Rondônia. RECA introduced a new cooperative form of sustainable and organic farming that significantly improved quality of life for small farmers in the area.
Contact: Hamilton Condack de Oliveira
E-mail: hcondack@yahoo.com.br

5º place:  Program for Violence Prevention Among Youth in Non-Traditional Education Groups and Schoolchildren at Social Risk by Means of Conflict Management and Resolution and Mediation by Peers (Argentina) – Run by the Alternative Social and Educational Foundation, this project introduces peaceful conflict resolution and peer mediation into formal and informal education systems, with the intention of reducing and/or altogether avoiding the use of violence to settle interpersonal conflicts.
Contact: Marta María E. Luzzatto
E-mail: falternativa@bariloche.com.ar

5º place: Program to Eradicate Child Labor and Protect Adolescents in Domestic Service in Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais (Brazil) – A program developed by the NGO Everyone’s Circus, in partnership with a network of 33 institutions, civil society organizations, businesspeople and government authorities to lend visibility and eradicate child labor in domestic service in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (photo 2, below).
Contact: Maria Eneide Teixeira
E-mail: circodetodomundo@circodetodomundo.org.br


Solidarity in Literacy (Brazil) – AlfaSol is a non-profit, civil society outreach organization that has a goal to cut illiteracy rates among Brazilians aged 15 and upwards and increase the public provision of continuing education for youth and adults (in the photo 1, receiving the diploma from Wend Moore, Trustee of Kellog Foundation).
Contact: Regina Célia E. de Siqueira
E-mail: alfabetizacao@alfabetizacao.org.br

Pre-School Therapeutic Education to Improve Quality of Life for Socially At-Risk and HIV/AIDS Boys and Girls (Colombia) – This program was created by the Dar Amor Foundation (FUNDAMOR), a non-profit organization that operates in Cali, Colombia, providing all-round protection to children with HIV/AIDS who face situations of social risk, abandonment, and physical and moral danger. It seeks to integrate these children into the mainstream social and educational context.
Contact: Guillermo Garrido Sardi
E-mail: dir@fundamor.org


Telephone Companionship for the Elderly (Argentina) – This is a free telephone helpline service manned by 62 adult volunteers, the majority women, who live in Cordoba, Argentina. They answer telephone calls from people who may feel lonely, in distress or who just need someone to talk to. The volunteers work in rotating three-hour shifts.
Contact: Andrés Urrutia
E-mail: urrutias@infovia.com.ar

Inclusive Education: Education for All (Peru) – The project was developed by the Society and Development Research Institute of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Educational Institute, in Chiclayo, Peru. Its objective is to guarantee that children with special educational needs (SEN) are properly integrated into the regular education system (photo 3, on the left).
Contact: Rosalía Chacón Velásquez
E-mail: insode@gmail.com

Miguel Magone & Laura Vicuña Program: An Alternative to Youth Gang Violence, Labor Market Inclusion Opportunities and a Response to the High Rates of El Salvadoran Emigration (El Salvador) – This program, developed by the El Salvador Education and Employment Foundation (EDYTRA) and the Don Bosco Industrial Complex, attends low-income youth at social risk, former gang members and those who have had brushes with the law.
Contact: Guadalupe Leiva Choriego
E-mail: edytra0105@yahoo.com

I Work for My Right to Education (Mexico) – This project developed by the Mexican NGO Education for Street Children
(EDNICA) focuses on the prevention of child labor and on the risks associated with them integrating and living on the street.
Contact: Mauro Antonio Vargas Urías
E-mail: direccion@ednica.org.mx

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