
Premier issue of Childhood Obesity journal launches

Childhood Obesity JournalThe W.K. Kellogg Foundation announces our support for and the launch of Childhood Obesity – a new journal and forum for ideas, best practices, research and narratives to help end the epidemic of childhood and adolescent obesity within a generation.

The inaugural issue is now available free online and will be published bimonthly by Mary Ann Liebert in collaboration with the American Association of Diabetes Educators, American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association and American Academy of Family Physicians.

The Foundation’s support for the journal reinforces our work to improve the health of vulnerable children and families and demonstrates our strategies to improve birth outcomes and first food experiences, create access to healthy foods and safe places for physical activity, and as importantly, educate families and communities about the interrelated factors that determine well-being.

“The launch of this journal is a needed, new contribution to the literature addressing what is appropriately described as the most urgent health challenge facing this nation,” says Gail Christopher, DN, Kellogg Foundation vice president of program strategy.  

“The epidemic of childhood obesity must be stopped and reversed to ensure the health of children and alleviate many serious consequences when they become adults,” says Mary Ann Liebert, president and CEO of the privately held publishing company that bears her name.

The Kellogg Foundation especially acknowledges the disproportionate obesity epidemic among vulnerable children of color and in low-income communities and anticipates that this publication will stimulate important dialogue and action around tackling the root causes of health inequities in the U.S. 

“It is our hope that physicians, nurses, dietitians, diabetes educators, nutritionists, psychologists, educators, school nurses, community organizers and policymakers will use the journal to inform effective prevention and treatment strategies and promote environmental and policy changes, patient education and motivation tools and clinical advances in the field,” adds Christopher.

Access the inaugural and future issues online here.