
On race riot anniversary, new dialogue begins

May 31, 2011 marked the 90th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Riot – one of the most severe, racially motivated riots to take place in American history. The uprising, as a result of a racially tense atmosphere, left hundreds of Oklahoma residents injured, homeless, or dead with several parts of the city ablaze. The anniversary of this tragic day in 1921 provides us with the opportunity to reflect on all communities that have been affected by racially motivated conflict. Although our nation has made great strides in improving relationships among different races in our society, we cannot be blind to the fact that social disparity still exists and inhibits the social and economic growth of many communities. On behalf of our grantee, The John Hope Franklin Center in Tulsa, Okla., we are pleased to present a video message from Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO), Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK), and Congressman Charles Gonzalez (D-TX) in support of the need to foster a national dialogue on race and reconciliation.

Learn more about the John Hope Franklin Center.