
Urban Education Institute, Ounce of Prevention Fund release case study on building birth-to-college model of education

The newest in a planned series of case studies on building a birth-to-college model of education released by the University of Chicago Urban Education Institute (UEI) and the Ounce of Prevention Fund outlines how to create professional learning communities (PLCs) of teachers, administrators and family support staff spanning the early childhood to K-12 spectrum.

The intent of the PLCs is to create environments where practitioners take the lead in collaboratively studying and piloting effective, developmentally informed practices that prepare children for college, beginning at birth. 

The Birth-to-College Collaborative, formalized in 2010 and supported by grants from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and the Foundation for Child Development, strives to develop a model of public education for vulnerable children and families on the South Side of Chicago that begins at birth and leads to success in school, college and life. For more information, go to https://uei.uchicago.edu/news/article/birth-college-collaborative-releases-new-case-study-highlights-professional-learning