
W.K. Kellogg Foundation heralded as an impact investing leader by The New York Times

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s commitment of $100 million to socially responsible, program-aligned, Mission Driven Investing was hailed as “revolutionary” by The New York Times.

A leader in the impact investing space, the Kellogg Foundation has a diverse portfolio of more than 20 active investments in education, health and economic security initiatives. Investments in entities like Revolution Foods, NCB Capital Impact and Happy Family reinforce the foundation’s commitment to work alongside communities and local partners to advance the best interests of vulnerable children, while preserving the foundation’s bottom line.

Kellogg Foundation CEO Sterling K. Speirn was quoted saying, “The customer and market insights that the private companies we’ve invested in have, whether it be in food, health care, financial institutions or education, sharpened our ability to target our grant making and public policy efforts.”  He added, “Similarly, I think the companies we have invested in are able to leverage not only our patient capital but the different kind of knowledge assets we bring to the relationship.”

The piece also highlights how the foundation’s bold approach to Mission Driven Investing aligns with other cutting-edge philanthropic leaders, such as Bill and Melinda Gates, Pierre and Pam Omidyar and Steve and Jean Case – who are also exploring new ways to raise financial capital, while making social impacts.

For an overview of the Kellogg Foundation’s Mission Driven Investing work, please visit: mdi.wkkf.org.