Thriving Children

Education Writers Association highlights Sterling Speirn’s remarks on national early childhood efforts

The Education Writers Association published a piece highlighting a panel discussion at the group’s recent national conference addressing President Obama’s push for expanded early childhood education opportunities and the Senate Appropriations Committee’s decision to increase investments in Head Start and early childhood education programs. The piece features key remarks from W.K. Kellogg Foundation President and CEO Sterling Speirn, who was a member of the panel. WKKF is a proud supporter of EWA and the group’s efforts to support informative coverage of national, local and community-based education issues.

In his remarks, Speirn said that the administration’s new commitments reflect an admirable push for quality preschool, but noted that funds must be applied judiciously to best serve vulnerable children and families. Along with fellow panelist Bruce Fuller, University of California at Berkeley education and public policy professor, Speirn emphasized the importance of community-based approaches and providing educational and social supports to both children and their families from birth to age 8. Speirn also said that preschool learning environments must support all aspects of a child’s development – academic, physical, emotional – while also engaging and empowering parents.

Learn more about the Education Writers Association and the recent panel discussion.