Mission Driven Investments

Forbes interviews WKKF’s Tony Berkley and Acelero Learning CEO about Mission Driven Investing and Head Start effectiveness

Devin Thorpe, host of Forbes’ “The Social Entrepreneur,” interviewed W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) Mission Driven Investments Director Tony Berkley and Acelero Learning CEO Aaron Lieberman on how impact investing can advance social returns along with bottom-line financial returns.  The interview highlighted WKKF investee Acelero’s program for early childhood education as an example of the kind of mission-aligned work WKKF seeks to support through mission driven investing. Berkley noted other foundation leaders and philanthropic networks engaged in impact investing and highlighted best practices in identifying effective mission driven investments.

Acelero was featured prominently in the discussion with emphasis on the company’s impact on vulnerable children through Head Start programs that boost school readiness. According to Lieberman, children involved in the Acelero programs are making educational gains at a rate two to three times the rate of children in other Head Start programs. Lieberman credited a data-driven approach as a major factor in Acelero’s success, along with WKKF’s ongoing support and partnership in the development of innovative early childhood education strategies.

Learn more about Acelero Learning, Forbes’ “The Social Entrepreneur” and the recent interview.