Working Families

WKKF grantee Center for Urban Families featured in Washington Monthly philanthropy series

Carla D. Thompson, vice president for program strategy at WKKF, recently wrote about the Center for Urban Families (CFUF) in Washington Monthly as part of a series on philanthropic investments and innovations. The article focuses on the Couples Advancing Together (CAT) program run by CFUF which provides couples with services such as healthy relationship skill-building, employment assistance and case management services, all aiming to help families create an environment in which their children can succeed.

Thompson writes about what attracted WKKF to invest $2.1 million in CFUF’s work, including the fact that “the well-being of children is not only at the center of their work, but it is the focus that drives ours as well.” The outcomes being pursued with WKKF support include ensuring that at least 50 percent of participating parents are employed and supporting 100 percent of participating families with self-sufficiency plans and case management. Since its inception in 2015, 116 couples have successfully completed the CAT program.

The Washington Monthly series seeks to serve as a one-stop-shop of stories about successful philanthropic investments and innovations, as told by the foundations and nonprofits themselves.