Racial Equity

Giving credit, sharing gifts

An Elle magazine story on holiday shopping features WKKF grantee Caribbean Craft, a Port-au-Prince business for 30 years. Caribbean Craft provides training, work and wider visibility for Haitian artisans. Its collection of papier mâché decorative art is now sold through Wolf & Badger, as well as on its own website

A recent Time Magazine profile on Dr. Paul Farmer, founder of WKKF grantee Partners in Health, describes him as a “living legend” and his new book, Fevers, Feuds and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History, as a virtual roadmap for understanding the current global pandemic. 

Several media outlets, including Mongabay and The Guardian, profiled this year’s winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize. Among them is WKKF grantee Leydy Pech, an Indigenous beekeeper from Hopelchén, Campeche, who led a fight to stop the use locally of harmful agro-industrial practices. This activism resulted in a Mexican Supreme Court ruling to block the planting of transgenic soy in seven Mexican states.

Simmons University is teaming up with Doctors on Call to address misinformation and health inequities. #DocsOnCall provides accessible and accurate information about COVID-19 to underserved communities at greater risk of experiencing health disparities.

Two-thirds of Black households give $11 billion annually to community-based organizations., according to a WKKF and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors report featured recently in the Washington Post. WKKF program leaders Alandra Washington  and Ciciley Moore spoke with Michelle Singletary about the long history and wide impact of Black giving.  As Moore said, “We know that it is this kind of giving and this kind of ancestral love and generosity and strength that has carried Black folks through moments of joy and injustice.”

The global call for racial equity is reaching far and wide – from Australia and Bangladesh to Colombia, Ghana and everywhere in between. Teams of visionaries and community change agents are already registering to share their bold ideas for Racial Equity 2030. Launched in honor of WKKF’s 90th anniversary, the $90 million global challenge invites applicants to advance racial equity in the next decade. Learn more at racialequity2030.org. Jan. 28. 2021 is the registration deadline and applications are due Feb. 25.