
WKKF leaders to join 2024 Atlantic Festival

Carla Thompson Payton and Alandra Washington speaking on stage

In the upcoming Atlantic Festival’s two-day event, WKKF leaders will be bringing children and our collective futures to the conversations.

On day one, WKKF’s Dr. Carla Thompson Payton, chief of strategy and impact will be joining The AtlanticLIVE’s Executive Vice President Candace Montgomery in a conversation on the intersecting issues and policy solutions that can best serve children and families first in our collective future. This session will be Sept. 19 at 11:30 a.m. EST called Helping Kids Thrive.

On Friday, Dr. Alandra Washington, chief of transformation and organizational effectiveness, will join Atlantic Editor Nick Thompson for a candid look at issues around the inclusiveness of AI during The Future of Equitable AI. This begins at 1 p.m. EST and will be livestreamed. Framed around a future where all children, families and communities have equitable opportunities to thrive – this session will highlight ideas for advancing universal access to AI and the roles needed for democratization of AI in an ongoing commitment to promoting racial equity. Audience members will learn how racial healing is critical to the pathway toward racial equity.