12.16.24 Racial Healing Featured News Ninth Annual National Day of Racial Healing Racial healing takes center stage with community-based activities, two nationally-broadcast special events and the release of new books by W.K. Kellogg Foundation President and CEO La June Montgomery Tabron. Visit Ninth Annual National Day of Racial Healing
12.12.24 Community Engagement Every Child Thrives How a century-old grassroots organization is filling gaps in care for communities of color Visit How a century-old grassroots organization is filling gaps in care for communities of color in a new window
11.04.24 WKKF Headline News Four vice presidents to join executive team Visit Four vice presidents to join executive team
12.20.02 News New Profile on Native American Higher Ed Initiative Visit New Profile on Native American Higher Ed Initiative
11.08.02 News New publication features news from Youth and Education Programs Visit New publication features news from Youth and Education Programs
10.31.02 News Retrospective evaluation of K-12 Service-Learning projects, 1990-2000 Visit Retrospective evaluation of K-12 Service-Learning projects, 1990-2000