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The October Main Street Economist is now available on the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's Web site at: Nancy Novack discusses "The Income Divide in Rural America" in the October Main Street. This issue also contains The Summary...
A strong group of close to 70 people from all over the South, (and a few from Washington, D.C., New York and California) convened in Thomasville, Ga. to identify a set of viable strategies and compelling messages to help low-wealth...
AMES, Iowa -- A new report from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture shows that locally grown produce traveled an average of 56 miles from farm to point of sale, while the same types of produce from conventional sources within...
The July 27 edition of the National Public Radio program Sunday Weekend Edition included an extensive report featuring Center for Rural Affairs Executive Director Chuck Hassebrook. The story driven by the introduction of the New Homestead Act in Congress examined...
New technology is enabling people with disabilities to better communicate with community groups and other organizations. However, organizations must often make adjustments in their Web sites and other communications vehicles for the disabled to make maximum use of the new...
The Rural Information Center (RIC) posted a publication authored by Dennis Brown of the USDA Economic Research Service. His publication, Rural Tourism: An Annotated Bibliography, is located in both html and pdf formats on the RIC publication page at
Dairy farmers and interested consumers swarmed Radiance Dairy near Fairfield, Iowa, to see how cheese is made and to learn about a dairy that grows forage, milks cows and processes the milk on the farm before delivering it as milk,...
It's all about sustainabilityRenee Enna. 26 February 2003Copyright 2003, Chicago Tribune. All Rights Reserved. Good Eating. MARKET BASKET. MEDIA WATCH. As sustainable farming gains a higher profile, the public television series, "Chefs A'Field," comes at an opportune time. The half-hour program...
The biggest challenge for many artisans is learning how to correctly price and effectively market their crafts and artwork. This was certainly the situation for many women and minority artisans in Taos, N.M. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Managing Information with...
The Center for Rural Entrepreneurship and the Heartland Center for Leadership Development have teamed to provide a professional development opportunity, "Energizing Entrepreneurs in Rural America", April 1 to 4 at Arbor Day Farm - Lied Conference Center in Nebraska City,...