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The New York State Coalition for School-based Primary Care, a grantee of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has succeeded, through its Kellogg community partners at Montefiore which operates School Based Health Centers in the Bronx, in getting whole milk removed from New...
Publication: UN Office of Sport for Development and Peace The United Nations Global Youth Leadership Summit (GYLS) seeks to strengthen the worldwide movement to engage young people in decisions about the future of their communities, regions, and our emerging global...
Emerging community change projects at Lummi highlight By Tami Chock Photo courtesy of Tami Chock. Sam Tso, Coreen LaClair and Carmen Bland from Lummi. At the Lummi CEDAR Project, youth are encouraged to voice and express themselves in healthy ways...
Publication: The Chicago Council on Global Affairs The Chicago Council on Global Affairs would like to announce the release of the findings of its independent Task Force on U.S. Agriculture Policy. The Task Force report, "Modernizing America's Farm and Food...
Sixteen projects from seven Latin American countries have been selected as finalists in the 2005-2006 cycle of the Experiences in Social Innovation Contest, organized by ECLAC with support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The finalists come from Argentina (2), Bolivia...
By: Emily BuckhamPublication: Michigan Food and Farming SystemsPublished: 11/20/2006 East Lansing, Mich. – Michigan Food & Farming Systems - MIFFS is helping out hungry Michigan families this Thanksgiving by sponsoring Michigan Harvest Gathering’s "Hoops for the Harvest." During the Detroit...
Rits is a virtual information network consisting of hundreds of outfits from South America. It was set up in 1997 for the purpose of strengthening civil society organizations and social movements. The network has a special advisory status in the...
Few city dwellers think twice about turning on the lights. But in rural communities, access to national electricity networks is not something to be taken for granted. In Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua, between 30% and 40% of the population lacks...
By: Erin TonerPublication: National Public RadioPublished: June 16, 2006 Benton Harbor Profiled on NPR in June Benton Harbor, Mich., one of five communities participating in KLCC Session II, was featured on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition radio broadcast on Friday,...
Publication: Langhum Mitchell Communications A community festival hosted by KLCC I fellows earlier this month in New Mexico's Eastern Cibola County celebrated their collective commitment to the community and their focus on improving educational outcomes for local students. The event...